[Interview] Eunice Kiss w/ AArisings

AArisings has another great interview out, this time detailing the muti-talented enigma known as Eunice Kiss. It’s a recommended read if you’re not too familiar with the artist and the extent of your knowledge ends at the fact she recently dropped a single & MV for the song “Delete U”. You can check out the article in full after the jump or by heading on over to AArisings!

This issue of the A-Profiler, Nelson Wong interviews the multi-talented Eunice Kiss. Find out how how she got started as a performer, how she ran away from home to persue her passion as a performer, and how eating junk food alone and naked is one of her guilty pleasures.

You are a multi-talented entertainer with a background in dance, working in modeling, acting in movies, hosting a TV show, and most recently singing with your latest releaseDelete U. Is there anything you can’t do? Have you always known you’ve wanted to be an entertainer since a very young age?
hahaha I was actually extremely shy and introverted as a child. moving to several different states in my early years made me really quiet and I always kept to myself even through some traumatic times. during those moments I naturally resorted to expressing my emotions through poetry and songwriting, with no knowledge of the entertainment industry being a possible future. I wasn’t aware of my talents until high school–I cheered danced sang and acted better than those that have trained since they were kids. I couldn’t figure out why I was so drawn to rhythm, colors, shapes, and abstract definitions. but once I got a taste of executing my feelings through different art forms, I felt complete. getting accepted to prestigious universities no longer was a priority–and without hesitation I blindly began my journey down the path of my dreams, following my heart and nothing else. Having full creative control over my life and expressing myself as a free spirit is what true happiness means to me.

If there was only one of your many talents that you had to focus on to be successful, which would you pick and why?
Being such a jack of all trades and having a very short attention span, I don’t think I’ll ever drop different talents of mine to focus on just one. I believe that the happiest and most successful entrepreneurs are well rounded and have several outlets to fulfill their numerous goals. 

You ran away from home at the age of 17 in order to pursue your passion of being a performer. What caused you to run away? Looking back, do you think you would do things differently?
I had graduated high school at an early age and had a difficult time with a dysfunctional family; my heart was torn between continuing my education or following my dreams of pursuing the arts. My impulsive personality reacted in a brash manner when I was threatened to be disowned if I didn’t obey the household rules–I left without a single thought or a single plan, I just had to get away. I’ve always been called “stubborn” because I’m notorious for not budging once my mind is set on something. However I use it to my advantage because I’m ridiculously focused and have great self discipline on my road to success. For all the lonely moments of fear before getting back on my feet, I still wouldn’t change a thing. I’ve learned so much through first-hand experience and can contribute way more individuality to this world than any classroom could ever teach.

Tell us about your single Delete U. What inspired the song?
I was fresh out of a relationship last year when I was inspired to recreate some feelings into a fun and light-hearted dance song. In a generation of technology that seems to solve almost everything, I wished that erasing someone out of my heart could be done as easily as a push of a button. I got together with producer Benny Briggs and writer Freckles to create a futuristic sound with simple lyrics that symbolically translate a cyber world. It’s also an empowering reminder for those that have a hard time telling themselves “you know what, i just have to move on, and delete you.”

Fellow music artist Paul Kim was the person who told me about you. How did you cross paths with Paul and any chance there may be some collaboration with you and Paul on a music project?
Paul and I met in the studio through mutual musicians and became very good friends over the past year. I respect him a lot as a person and his talent as a vocalist and writer is phenomenal. I’m excited to share that we are currently collaborating on several different records and will be releasing them this summer!

What other projects are you currently working on and what projects are you anticipating in the near future?
I am currently beginning production for a new show under ESPN as a host and will be traveling a lot before it airs in 2012. And when i’m not on set shooting, I’m working on an album–no release date announced yet. Follow me on twitter @EuniceKiss

Do you find it is more difficult being an Asian American to gain the attention from music industry folk? What do you think it will take to get more Asian Americans into the music industry as artists? Do you think the Internet has helped indie artists, like yourself, gain some traction and buzz within the industry?
The great thing about music is that it is a universal language that is understood across the world. Certain markets and demographics might be smaller in varying categories, but I think our generation being a melting pot has become more culturally open minded. I’m excited to see what’s in store without race being an initial factor on musical preference. The internet has definitely opened consumers’ eyes in showing that people of all color are talented in every genre and I believe that it’s a great time to execute your passions and shine in an over-saturated field.

When you have some downtime, what are some of the things you like to do? Any guilty pleasures?Whenever I have downtime, I love eating junk food alone and naked. hahaha I sound like such a weirdo, but I truly understand why they say “silence is golden.” Constantly being out with makeup and heels and uncomfortable clothing makes me feel restricted–I love it when I have days off and I turn off my phone for a couple hours. Staring out the balcony with an almond snickers bar in my left hand and a vanilla milkshake in my right is when I’m at my happiest.

And finally, anything you would like to tell your fans? I wanna thank every and any body that’s supporting me through my journey; I am driven to return the love and deliver entertainment to those that love my work. I wouldn’t enjoy performing if I didn’t have an amazing fan base to put on a show for! I hope to meet every single fan in person, so be sure to say hello after any concert! *muah*

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